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Minimum Shminimum
by Tania Galloway
Let's do the math, shall we? You owe: $10,000 Minimum payment: $100 Interest charged: $162.64 See what happened there? Your credit card company got...
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The 7 Clinical Stages of Debt
by Tania Galloway
Denial: This is the stage where you spend money like it’s growing on trees. You have no regard for the consequences and pay only the minimums on yo...
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What's So Great About the Jones' Anyway?
by Tania Galloway
Ah, the Jones’. You know the ones; they’re trendy, and fun, and always have the latest and greatest gadgets, and they have 2 new cars in the drivew...
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Credit Cards: Friend or Foe?
by Tania Galloway
Are you frenemies with your credit cards? Do you act like BFF's in public, taking them out with you, using them shamelessly, but privately you rese...
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The 2 Most Evil Debts of All
by Tania Galloway
What are the 2 most evil debts of all? Nope, not credit cards.....can you guess what they are? The answer: Payday loans and "Buy now, pay later" o...
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Spread Too Thin
by Tania Galloway
Can you save and pay down debt at the same time? Maybe, but should you? In my opinion: no. If you carry consumer debt, then my advice is get it gon...
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The Numbers Don't Lie
by Tania Galloway
Household finances are such a chore for most already, so some fun people have come up with some fun challenges to help you accumulate savings and h...
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The Real Value of a Dollar
by Tania Galloway
The truth is, a dollar is worth exactly what you think it is. In other words, if you're prone to saying, "It's only $100.", then the value of $100 ...
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What's Your Financial Panic Point?
by Tania Galloway
What's your zero? In other words, what's the point at which you start to obsessively worry about your money and actively start looking for solution...
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Why I Won't Pay Down My Mortgage
by Tania Galloway
Paying down your mortgage; for most, that's the goal. Pile every spare dollar onto it and get it gone as soon as possible. I have to say that in to...
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How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?
by Tania Galloway
I was surprised lately when I was speaking to a friend and learned they don't have any life insurance! We just automatically bought some when we ha...
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Should You Roll Your Consumer Debt Into Your Mortgage?
by Tania Galloway
Big question: Should you use the equity in your home to pay off your consumer debt? Quick answer: Maybe. Long answer: Let's do some analysis...whet...
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